- The Road goes ever on and on
- Down from the door where it began.
- Now far ahead the Road has gone,
- And I must follow if I can,
- Pursuing it with eager feet,
- Until it joins some larger way
- Where many paths and errands meet.
- And whither then? I cannot say.
- The Road goes ever on and on
- Out from the door where it began.
- Now far ahead the Road has gone,
- Let others follow it who can!
- Let them a journey new begin,
- But I at last with weary feet
- Will turn towards the lighted inn,
- My evening-rest and sleep to meet.
- Still round the corner there may wait
- A new road or a secret gate,
- And though we pass them by today,
- Tomorrow we may come this way
- And take the hidden paths that run
- Towards the Moon or to the Sun
The above stanzas are taken from the most
famous fantasy book “Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien.
I have been desiring to write something about
it for some time because I love these stanzas. Many times the sole reason for
reading Lord of the Rings has been the thought of them. They are very deep verses and even though
they make you feel small, they also inspire you to go on.
It makes me recall overwhelmingly about my
past life, and I can make out images of people who have been an important part of
my life and source of memorable events. It teaches me to never lose hope or
give up and to always go on in life to enjoy the smallest things that usually go
unnoticed. Things like smiling unexpectedly at others, forgiving others, and
forgetting harsh memories. It makes me realize that there is so much more to
life than its bitterness and toughness if only we could make peace with our life
and its circumstances.
There is also the fact that our paths meet
those of others at crossroads and some paths join ours for some time while
others go their separate ways leaving us with bittersweet memories.
I am yet again standing at a crossroads and while
looking back I want to let all of you know that our memories fill my heart with
both joy and grief. I don't know what will happen in the future, maybe we all
will go on together, or perhaps some of us will find our roads separated but our
connection will last forever. Who knows what the next crossroads will bring us?
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